
Qualification なだけあって,どの問題も簡単だったが,アルゴリズムをコードにするのに時間がかかった.


A – Alien Language





main = do (l:d:n:_) <- getInts
ws <- replicateM d getLine
cs <- replicateM n getCase
mapM_ putStrLn.zipWith output [1..] .map (match ws) $ cs
match :: [String] -> [String] -> Int
match ws [] = length ws
match ws (c:cs) = match ws' cs
where ws' = map tail.filter ((`elem` c).head) $ ws





import Control.Monad (liftM, replicateM)
-- main part
main = do (l:d:n:_) <- getInts
ws <- replicateM d getLine
cs <- replicateM n getCase
mapM_ putStrLn.zipWith output [1..] .map (match ws) $ cs
match :: [String] -> [String] -> Int
match ws [] = length ws
match ws (c:cs) = match ws' cs
where ws' = map tail.filter ((`elem` c).head) $ ws
-- output and input function
parse :: String -> [String]
parse [] = []
parse (')':s) = parse s
parse ('(':s) = a : parse s'
where (a, s') = span (/=')') s
parse (c:s) =  : parse s
getCase :: IO [String]
getCase = liftM parse $ getLine
output :: Show a => Int -> a -> String
output x y = concat $ "Case #" : show x : ": " : [show y]
getList :: Read a => IO [a]
getList = liftM (map read.words) getLine
getInts :: IO [Int]
getInts = getList
getInt :: IO Int
getInt = liftM head getInts


追記 #3

正規表現を使う方法もあったらしい.どうやら (, ) をそれぞれ [, ] に変えると正規表現で




B Watersheds






main = do cs <- (`replicateM` getCase) =<< getInt
mapM_ putStrLn.zipWith output [1..] $ map basin cs
next :: Array Point Int -> Point -> Point
next a p@(y,x) = minimumBy (comparing (a !)).filter (inRange $ bounds a) $ [(y-1,x),(y,x-1),(y,x+1),(y+1,x),(y,x)]
isSink :: Array Point Int -> Point -> Bool
isSink a p = a ! p <= a ! next a p
basin :: Array (Int, Int) Int -> [[Char]]
basin a = take h.map (take w).iterate (drop w).runST
$ do b <- newArray ((1,1),(h,w)) ' ' :: ST s (STUArray s Point Char)
let loop c y x | x > w     = loop c (y+1) 1
| y > h     = getElems b
| otherwise = ifVisited y x  (loop c y (x+1)) $ do c' <- walk c y x  [(y,x)]; loop c' y (x+1)
walk c y x qs | isSink a (y,x) = do c' <- ifVisited y x (readArray b (y,x)) (return c)
mapM_ (p -> writeArray b p c') qs
if c == c' then return $ succ c else return c
| otherwise      = let (y',x') = next a (y,x)
in walk c y' x' ((y',x'):qs)
ifVisited y x f g = do c <- readArray b (y,x)
if c /= ' ' then f else g
loop 'a' 1 1
where ((1,1),(h,w)) = bounds a




import Control.Monad (liftM, replicateM)
import Data.List (minimumBy)
import Data.Array.Unboxed (Array, UArray, listArray, bounds, (!))
import Data.Array.ST (STUArray, newArray, readArray, writeArray, inRange, getElems)
import Control.Monad.ST (ST, runST)
import Data.Ord (comparing)
type Point = (Int, Int)
-- main part
main = do cs <- (`replicateM` getCase) =<< getInt
mapM_ putStrLn.zipWith output [1..] $ map basin cs
next :: Array Point Int -> Point -> Point
next a p@(y,x) = minimumBy (comparing (a !)).filter (inRange $ bounds a) $ [(y-1,x),(y,x-1),(y,x+1),(y+1,x),(y,x)]
isSink :: Array Point Int -> Point -> Bool
isSink a p = a ! p <= a ! next a p
basin :: Array (Int, Int) Int -> [[Char]]
basin a = take h.map (take w).iterate (drop w).runST
$ do b <- newArray ((1,1),(h,w)) ' ' :: ST s (STUArray s Point Char)
let loop c y x | x > w     = loop c (y+1) 1
| y > h     = getElems b
| otherwise = ifVisited y x  (loop c y (x+1)) $ do c' <- walk c y x  [(y,x)]; loop c' y (x+1)
walk c y x qs | isSink a (y,x) = do c' <- ifVisited y x (readArray b (y,x)) (return c)
mapM_ (p -> writeArray b p c') qs
if c == c' then return $ succ c else return c
| otherwise      = let (y',x') = next a (y,x)
in walk c y' x' ((y',x'):qs)
ifVisited y x f g = do c <- readArray b (y,x)
if c /= ' ' then f else g
loop 'a' 1 1
where ((1,1),(h,w)) = bounds a
-- output and input function
getCase :: IO (Array Point Int)
getCase = do (h:w:_) <- getInts
as <- liftM (listArray ((1,1),(h,w)).concat).replicateM h $ getInts
return as
output :: Int -> [[Char]] -> String
output x xs = concat $ "Case #" : show x : ":n" : (interleave "n" $  map (interleave ' ') xs)
where interleave y []     = []
interleave y [x]    = [x]
interleave y (x:xs) = x:y:interleave y xs
getList :: Read a => IO [a]
getList = liftM (map read.words) getLine
getInts :: IO [Int]
getInts = getList
getInt :: IO Int
getInt = liftM head getInts
追記 #1


main = do cs <- (`replicateM` getCase) =<< getInt
mapM_ putStrLn.zipWith output [1..] $ map drainageBasins cs
next :: Array Point Int -> Point -> Point
next a p@(y,x) = minimumBy (comparing (a !)).filter (inRange $ bounds a) $ [(y-1,x),(y,x-1),(y,x+1),(y+1,x),(y,x)]
isSink :: Array Point Int -> Point -> Bool
isSink a p = a ! p <= a ! next a p
sink :: Array Point Int -> Point -> Point
sink a p = until (isSink a) (next a) p
drainageBasins :: Array (Int, Int) Int -> [[Char]]
drainageBasins a = split.mapMaybe (`lookup` ls) $ ss
where ss = map (sink a).range $ ((1,1),(h,w))
ls = zip (nub ss) ['a'..]
((1,1),(h,w)) = bounds a
split = take h.map (take w).iterate (drop w)


追記 #2


sinks :: Array Point Int -> [Point]
sinks a = elems ss
where ss = listArray (bounds a).map sink.range.bounds $ a
sink p | a ! p <= a ! next a p = p
| otherwise             = ss ! next a p
drainageBasins :: Array (Int, Int) Int -> [[Char]]
drainageBasins a = split.mapMaybe (`lookup` ls).sinks $ a
where ls = zip (nub.sinks $ a) ['a'..]
((1,1),(h,w)) = bounds a
split = take h.map (take w).iterate (drop w)



import Control.Monad
import Data.Array
import Data.Ix
import Data.List
import Data.Ord
import Data.Maybe
type Point = (Int, Int)
-- main part
main = do cs <- (`replicateM` getCase) =<< getInt
mapM_ putStrLn.zipWith output [1..] $ map drainageBasins cs
next :: Array Point Int -> Point -> Point
next a p@(y,x) = minimumBy (comparing (a !)).filter (inRange $ bounds a) $ [(y-1,x),(y,x-1),(y,x+1),(y+1,x),(y,x)]
sinks :: Array Point Int -> [Point]
sinks a = elems ss
where ss = listArray (bounds a).map sink.range.bounds $ a
sink p | a ! p <= a ! next a p = p
| otherwise             = ss ! next a p
drainageBasins :: Array (Int, Int) Int -> [[Char]]
drainageBasins a = split.mapMaybe (`lookup` ls).sinks $ a
where ls = zip (nub.sinks $ a) ['a'..]
((1,1),(h,w)) = bounds a
split = take h.map (take w).iterate (drop w)
-- output and input function
getCase :: IO (Array Point Int)
getCase = do (h:w:_) <- getInts
as <- liftM (listArray ((1,1),(h,w)).concat).replicateM h $ getInts
return as
output :: Int -> [[Char]] -> String
output x xs = concat $ "Case #" : show x : ":n" : (interleave "n" $  map (interleave ' ') xs)
where interleave y []     = []
interleave y [x]    = [x]
interleave y (x:xs) = x:y:interleave y xs
getList :: Read a => IO [a]
getList = liftM (map read.words) getLine
getInts :: IO [Int]
getInts = getList
getInt :: IO Int
getInt = liftM head getInts

C Welcome to Code Jam








countMemo,count :: [Int] -> [Int] -> Int
countMemo = memo2 count
count [] _ = 1
count _ [] = 
count (x:xs) (y:ys) | x /= y    = countMemo (x:xs) ys
| otherwise = (`mod` 10000) $ countMemo xs ys + countMemo (x:xs) (ys)



count :: Eq a => [a] -> [a] -> Integer
count a b = c  
where c x y | x == length a    = 1
| y == length b    = 
| a !! x /= b !! y = cMemo x (y+1)
| otherwise        = cMemo (x+1) (y+1) + cMemo x (y+1)
cMemo = memo2 c



import Control.Monad (liftM, replicateM)
import Data.MemoTrie (memo2)
-- main part
main :: IO ()
main = mapM_ putStrLn.zipWith output [1..].map (count "welcome to code jam") =<< (`replicateM` getLine) =<< getInt
-- Simple DP
count :: Eq a => [a] -> [a] -> Integer
count a b = c  
where c x y | x == length a    = 1
| y == length b    = 
| a !! x /= b !! y = cMemo x (y+1)
| otherwise        = cMemo (x+1) (y+1) + cMemo x (y+1)
cMemo = memo2 c
-- output and input function
output :: Num a => a -> a -> String
output m n = "Case #" ++ show m ++ ": " ++ n'
where n' = reverse.take 4.reverse $ "0000" ++ show n
getList :: Read a => IO [a]
getList = liftM (map read.words) getLine
getInts :: IO [Int]
getInts = getList
getInt :: IO Int
getInt = liftM head getInts