

Miller Rabin はやはり非常にシンプル.





ちなみに,10^123の次の素数を求めるのに約3分@Desktop PC.

module APR where
import Data.List (sort, genericTake, genericSplitAt, genericReplicate)
import Data.Array.IArray (Array, array, (!))
import Modulo (powMod, primitiveRoots, congruence)
import IsPrime (isPrimeDivision)
import Debug.Trace (trace)
debug = True
using x | debug     =  trace ("using " ++ show x) x
| otherwise = x
type Polynomial = [Integer]
-- [a_0, a1, ..., a_n-1, a_n]
-- <=> a_0 + a_1 x + ... + a_n-1 x^n-1 + a_n x^n
--mkPoly :: Integer -> [Integer] -> Polynomial
mkPoly p xs = mkpart  .sort.map (`mod` p) $ xs
where mkpart i c []    = c : genericReplicate (p - i - 1) 
mkpart i c (y:ys)
| i == y    = mkpart i (c + 1) ys
| otherwise = c : mkpart (i+1)  (y:ys)
pMulMod :: Integer -> Polynomial -> Polynomial -> Polynomial
pMulMod n xs ys = foldl1 pAdd.zipWith (x zs -> map ((`mod` n).(x*)) zs) xs.iterate shift $ ys
where shift zs = last zs : init zs
pAdd xs = zipWith add $ foldr seq xs xs -- リストの中も正格評価
add x y = if x + y >= n then x + y - n else x + y
-- xs^k (mod n)
pPowMod :: Integer -> Polynomial -> Integer -> Polynomial
pPowMod n xs k
| k == 1    = xs
| even k    = pPowMod n (pMulMod n xs xs) (div k 2)
| otherwise = pMulMod n xs $ pPowMod n xs (k - 1)
normal :: Integer -> Polynomial -> Polynomial
normal n (x:xs) = map ((`mod` n).(subtract x)) xs
-- c * x^a in Z[x_p]
unit :: Integer -> Integer -> Integer -> Polynomial
unit p a c = genericReplicate a'  ++  ++ genericReplicate (mod (p - a' - 1) p) 
where a' = mod a p
-- is Unit ? i.e. xs = x^a in Z_n[x_p]
isUnit :: Integer -> Polynomial -> Bool
isUnit n xs = sum xs' == 1 || all (n - 1 ==) xs'
where xs' = normal n xs
indArray :: Integer -> Array Integer Integer
indArray q = array (1, q - 1).zip inds $ [1..]
where g = head.primitiveRoots $ q
inds = genericTake (q - 1).iterate ((`mod` q).(g*)) $ g
-- Jacobi Sum J(X^e, X^f) for the prime p, q
jacobiSum :: Integer -> Integer -> Array Integer Integer -> Integer -> Integer -> Polynomial
jacobiSum p q inds e f = mkPoly p [e * ind a + f * ind (1 - a)| a <- [2..q-1]]
where ind a = inds ! (mod a $ q)
-- Gauss Sum to Jacobi Sum for the prime p, q
-- G(X)^p (mod n) = X(-1)*q*J(X,X)*J(X,X^2)*...*J(X,X^(p-2))
gaussSumP :: Integer -> Integer -> Integer -> Array Integer Integer -> Polynomial
gaussSumP n p q inds = foldl (pMulMod n) xq js
where js = map (jacobiSum p q inds 1) [1..p-2]
xq = unit p (inds ! (q-1)) q
-- Gauss Sum toJacobi Sum for arbitrarily number n (> p)
-- G(X)^n = poly * G(X^t) where t = mod n p
gaussSum :: Integer -> Integer -> Integer -> Array Integer Integer -> Polynomial
gaussSum n p q inds = foldl (pMulMod n) gpa js
where gpa = pPowMod n (gaussSumP n p q inds) a
(a,b) = divMod n p
js = map (jacobiSum p q inds 1) [1..b-1]
-- find min w s.t. G(X)^(u*p^w) == unit
toUnit :: Integer -> Integer -> Integer -> Integer -> (Integer, Polynomial)
toUnit n p q u = fst $ until (isUnit n.snd) next ((1,gpu), gpu)
where gpu = pPowMod n (gaussSumP n p q ind) u
next ((w, g0), g1) = ((w+1, g1), pPowMod n g1 p)
ind = indArray q
-- coefficient condition; False => composite
coefCond :: Integer -> Integer -> Polynomial -> Bool
coefCond n p xs = all cpart [..p - 1]
where cpart i = any ((1==).gcd n) $ descend i
descend j = let (as, (b:bs)) = genericSplitAt j xs
in as ++ [b - 1] ++ bs
unitSearch :: Integer -> Polynomial -> Integer
unitSearch n xs | x > 1     = 
| otherwise = upart 1 $ x:xs'
where (x:xs') = normal n xs
upart a (1:ys) = a
upart a (y:ys) = upart (a + 1) ys
aprPrimality :: Integer -> Integer -> Integer -> Integer -> [Integer] -> Bool -> Bool
aprPrimality _ _ _ _ [] _ = True
aprPrimality n t s p (q:qs) sub
| normal n g /= normal n c = False
| a /=  || r /= 1         = if all ((/=).(mod n)) rs
then aprPrimality n t s p qs sub
else False
| sub                      = aprPrimality n t s p qs sub
| subtest                  = aprPrimality n t s p qs True
| otherwise                = False
where rs = genericTake t.takeWhile (1/=) $ iterate ((`mod` s).(n*)) (mod n s)
g | p == 2    = let a = mod (div n 2 * ind ! (q - 1)) 2
in unit 2 a $ powMod q (div n 2) n
| otherwise = gaussSum n p q $ ind
c = unit p (mod (-n) p * ind ! (mod n q)) 1
ind = indArray q
a = mod (ind ! (mod n q)) p
r = powMod n (p - 1) (p ^ 2)
subtest | debug     = subPrimality n t s $ trace ("sub-test " ++ show p) p
| otherwise = subPrimality n t s p
subPrimality :: Integer -> Integer -> Integer -> Integer -> Bool
subPrimality n t s p
| not.all (coefCond n p) $ xss = False
| otherwise                    = all ((/=).(mod n)) rs
where u = until ((/=).(`mod` p)) (`div` p) $ n ^ (p - 1) - 1
qs = filter ((==).(`mod` p).pred).firstPrimes.initialPrimes $ n
(w, xss) = foldl search (1, []) qs
search (w, xss) q
| w > w'  = (w, xss)
| w' > w  = (w', [xs])
| w' == 1 = (w, [])
| w' == w = if all (n - 1 ==).normal n.pPowMod n xs $ p
then (w, xs:xss) else (w, xss)
where (w', xs) = toUnit n p q u
unitRoot q =let z = pPowMod n (gaussSumP n p q (indArray q)) $ p ^ (w - 1) * u
a = unitSearch n z
g = head $ primitiveRoots q
in powMod g a q
m = congruence qs.map unitRoot $ qs
rs = genericTake t.takeWhile (1/=) $ iterate ((`mod` s).(m*)) (mod m s)
isPrimeAPR :: Integer -> Bool
isPrimeAPR n
| gcd n t /= 1 = False
| gcd n s /= 1 = False
| otherwise    = and [aprPrimality n t s (using p) qs' False|
p <- ps, let qs' = filter ((==).(`mod` p).pred) qs]
where ps = initialPrimes $ if debug then trace ("test " ++ show n) n else n
qs = firstPrimes ps
t = product ps
s = product qs
firstPrimes :: [Integer] -> [Integer]
firstPrimes ps = filter isPrimeDivision [succ.product $ ps' | ps' <- subsequences ps]
initialPrimes :: Integer -> [Integer]
initialPrimes n
| n <= 138      = []
| n <= 10 ^ 4   = [2,11]
| n <= 10 ^ 7   = [2,5,7]
| n <= 10 ^ 8   = [2,3,5]
| n <= 10 ^ 12  = [2,3,5,17]
| n <= 10 ^ 19  = [2,3,5,7]
| n <= 10 ^ 35  = [2,3,5,7,17]
| n <= 10 ^ 46  = [2,3,5,7,13]
| n <= 10 ^ 89  = [2,3,5,7,11,13]
| n <= 10 ^ 166 = [2,3,5,7,11,13,17]
| n <= 10 ^ 329 = [2,3,5,7,11,13,17,23]
| n <= 10 ^ 620 = [2,3,5,7,11,13,17,19,23]
-- subsequences from Data.List GHC 6.8.10
subsequences :: [a] -> [[a]]
subsequences xs =  [] : nonEmptySubsequences xs
nonEmptySubsequences :: [a] -> [[a]]
nonEmptySubsequences []      =  []
nonEmptySubsequences (x:xs)  =  [x] : foldr f [] (nonEmptySubsequences xs)
where f ys r = ys : (x : ys) : r



primitive root とか

module Modulo (gcd', productMod, invMod, powMod, jacobi, sqrtMod, sqSum, primitiveRoots, congruence) where
import Data.List (foldl', findIndex, nub)
-- input; m,n:正整数
-- output; a,b s.t. am+bn=gcd(m,n)
gcd' :: Integral a => a -> a -> (a, a)
gcd' m n | m < n = let (a,b) = gcd'  n m in (b,a)
| r ==  = (1,1-q)
| otherwise = let (a,b) = gcd' n r
in (b,a-b*q)
where (q,r) = divMod m n
-- product xs (mod p)
productMod :: Integral a => a -> [a] -> a
productMod p = foldl' (mulMod p) 1
where mulMod p a b = mod (a*b) p
-- xn=1(mod p) なる x を返す
invMod :: Integral a => a -> a -> a
invMod n = fst.gcd' n
-- a^n (mod p)
powMod :: (Integral a, Integral b) => a -> b -> a -> a
powMod a n p | n ==  = 1
| even n = powMod (mod (a*a) p) (div n 2) p
| otherwise = (a * powMod a (n-1) p)`mod` p
-- ============================================================
-- 4n+1型素数の平方和分解
-- ============================================================
jacobi :: Integral a => a -> a -> a
jacobi a n | a <  && mod n 4 == 1 = jacobi (-a) n
| a <  && mod n 4 == 3 = - jacobi (-a) n
| a < 2 = a
| even a && (mod n 8 == 1 || mod n 8 == 7) = jacobi (div a 2) n
| even a && (mod n 8 == 3 || mod n 8 == 5) = - jacobi (div a 2) n
| mod a 4 == 3 && mod n 4 == 3 = - jacobi (mod n a) a
| otherwise = jacobi (mod n a) a
-- sqrt n (mod p)
sqrtMod :: Integral a => a -> a -> a
sqrtMod n p =
let m = fst.gcd' n$ p
w = head.filter((==(-1)).flip jacobi p)$[2..]
(s,q) = until(odd.snd) div2$ (,p-1)
v = powMod w q p
step u = case findIndex (==1).take s.iterate sqMod $ mod (u^2*m) p of
Just  -> u
Just i -> step $ (u*(powMod v (2^(s-i-1)) p)) `mod` p
Nothing -> error$ "There is no such x that x^2 ="++show n++" (mod "++show p++")"
in step $ powMod n (div (q+1) 2) p
where div2 (s,q) = (s+1,div q 2)
sqMod x = powMod x 2 p
-- 4n+1型素数の平方和分解
sqSum :: Integral a => a -> (a, a)
sqSum p = let r = sqrtMod (p-1) p
in fst.until((==1).snd) next$ ((1,r),div (r*r+1) p)
where next ((x,y),k) =
let u = g$ x `mod` k
v = g$ y `mod` k
x' = abs$ (x*v-y*u) `div` k
y' = abs$ (x*u+y*v) `div` k
k' = (u*u+v*v) `div` k
in ((x',y'),k')
where g q = if q < div k 2 then q else q-k
-- ============================================================
-- 原始根
-- ============================================================
-- Given an odd prime p, find a primitive root modulo p
primitiveRoots :: Integer -> [Integer]
primitiveRoots p = filter isRoot [2..p - 1]
where isRoot a = all (/=1) [powMod a (div (p - 1) q) p | q <- ps]
ps = nub.primeFactors $ p - 1
-- ============================================================
-- 連立合同方程式
-- ============================================================
-- Input: 互いに素な整数 m1,m2,...,mn, 整数 a1,a2,...,an
-- Output: 連立合同方程式の解 x in Zm s.t. x = ai (mod mi)
congruence :: (Integral a) => [a] -> [a] -> a
congruence ms as = (`mod` m).sum.zipWith3 add as vs $ us
where m = product ms
us = [div m mi | mi <- ms]
vs = zipWith invMod us ms
add a v u = a * v * u
-- ============================================================
-- Primality check by trial division
-- ============================================================
primes :: Integral a => [a]
primes = 2:filter isPrimeDivision [3,5..]
isPrimeDivision :: Integral a => a -> Bool
isPrimeDivision 1 = False
isPrimeDivision n = all ((/=).mod n).takeWhile (<=u) $ primes
where u = floor.sqrt.fromIntegral $ n
primeFactors n = pf n primes
where pf m (p:ps)
| p * p > m    = [m]
| mod m p ==  = p : pf (div m p) (p:ps)
| otherwise    = pf m ps