Problem 161
import java.util.*; public class P161{ static Map<Board,Long> memo; static Board board; static int h=12,w=9; static long solve(int x){ if(memo.containsKey(board))return memo.get(board); if(x==h*w)return 1;//finish if(board.shape[x])return solve(x+1);//filled long count=; for(Triomino t:EnumSet.range(Triomino.NorthEast,Triomino.Horizon))//next step if(canPut(x,t)){ for(int y:t.area(w))board.shape[x+y]=true;//put Triomino count+=solve(x+1); for(int y:t.area(w))board.shape[x+y]=false;//remove Triomino } if(count>1)memo.put(new Board(board.shape),count); return count; } static boolean canPut(int x,Triomino t){ if(!t.canPut(h,w,x))return false; for(int y:t.area(w))if(board.shape[x+y])return false; return true; } public static void main(String[] args){ memo=new HashMap<Board,Long>(); board=new Board(new boolean[h*w]); System.out.println(solve()); } } enum Triomino{ NorthEast,NorthWest,SouthWest,SouthEast,Vertical,Horizon; public int[] area(int w){ switch(this){ case NorthEast: return new int[] {,w,w+1}; case NorthWest: return new int[] {,w,w-1}; case SouthWest: return new int[] {,w+1,1}; case SouthEast: return new int[] {,w,1}; case Vertical: return new int[] {,w,2*w}; case Horizon: return new int[] {,1,2}; default: return null; } } public boolean canPut(int h,int w,int x){ switch(this){ case NorthWest: return x/w<h-1 && x%w>; case Vertical: return x/w<h-2; case Horizon: return x%w<w-2; default: return x/w<h-1 && x%w<w-1; } } } class Board{ boolean[] shape; Board (boolean[] s){ shape=Arrays.copyOf(s,s.length); } public boolean equals(Object obj){ if(this==obj)return true; if(obj==null||(obj.getClass()!=this.getClass()))return false; return Arrays.equals(this.shape,((Board)obj).shape); } public int hashCode(){ return Arrays.hashCode(shape); } }
import Data.Array.Unboxed import qualified Data.Map as M data Triomino = N | W | S | E | V | H type Board = UArray Int Bool type Memo = M.Map Board Integer h =12 w =9 memoise f x y memo = case M.lookup x memo of Just fx -> (fx,memo) Nothing -> let (fx,memo') = f x y memo in (fx,if fx > 1 then M.insert x fx memo' else memo') solve :: Board -> Int -> Memo -> (Integer,Memo) solve b x memo | x == h*w = (1,memo) | b!x = memoise solve b (x+1) memo | otherwise = foldl next (,memo) $ filter (canPut b x) [N,W,S,E,V,H] where next (c,m) t = let (c',m') = memoise solve (b//[(y,True)| y<-area x t]) x m in (c+c',m') canPut :: Board -> Int -> Triomino -> Bool canPut b x t | not $ inBoard x t = False | otherwise = all (not.(b!)) $ area x t main = print.fst$solve board M.empty where board = listArray (,h*w-1).repeat$ False area x t = let ys = case t of N -> [,w,w+1] W -> [,w,w-1] S -> [,w+1,1] E -> [,w,1] V -> [,w,2*w] H -> [,1,2] in zipWith (+) ys $ repeat x inBoard x t = case t of W -> div x w < h-1 && mod x w > V -> div x w < h-2 H -> mod x w < w-2 _ -> div x w < h-1 && mod x w < w-1
import Data.Array.IO import Data.Array.Unboxed import qualified Data.Map as M import Control.Monad data Triomino = N | W | S | E | V | H type Board = IOUArray Int Bool type Memo = M.Map (UArray Int Bool) Integer h =12 w =9 memoise f x y memo = do ix <- freeze x case M.lookup ix memo of Just fx -> return (fx,memo) Nothing -> do (fx,memo') <- f x y memo let memo'' = if fx > 1 then M.insert ix fx memo' else memo' return (fx,memo'') solve :: Board -> Int -> Memo -> IO (Integer,Memo) solve b x memo | x == h*w = return (1,memo) | otherwise = readArray b x >>= solve' where solve' filled | filled = memoise solve b (x+1) memo | otherwise = foldM next (,memo) [N,W,S,E,V,H] next i t = canPut b x t >>= next' i t next' (c,m) t f | not f = return (c,m) | otherwise = do mapM_ (i -> writeArray b i True) $ area x t (c',m') <- memoise solve b (x+1) m mapM_ (i -> writeArray b i False) $ area x t return (c+c',m') canPut b x t | not $ inBoard x t = return False | otherwise = mapM (readArray b) (area x t) >>= return.not.or main = do b <- newArray (,h*w-1) False solve b M.empty >>= print.fst area x t = let ys = case t of N -> [,w,w+1] W -> [,w,w-1] S -> [,w+1,1] E -> [,w,1] V -> [,w,2*w] H -> [,1,2] in zipWith (+) ys $ repeat x inBoard :: Int -> Triomino -> Bool inBoard x t = case t of W -> div x w < h-1 && mod x w > V -> div x w < h-2 H -> mod x w < w-2 _ -> div x w < h-1 && mod x w < w-1
作成者 Toru Mano
最終更新時刻 2023-01-01 (c70d5a1)