Problem 47
The first two consecutive numbers to have two distinct prime factors are:
14 = 2 x 7
15 = 3 x 5
The first three consecutive numbers to have three distinct prime factors are:
644 = 2² x 7 x 23
645 = 3 x 5 x 43
646 = 2 x 17 x 19.
Find the first four consecutive integers to have four distinct primes factors. What is the first of these numbers?
project euler用に素数primes、素因数分解factorsのモジュールNumberを用意した。
import Number import Data.List consecutive m n =all((==m).toInteger.length).map (nub.factors)$[n..(n+m-1)] p047 = find (consecutive 4) [1..] main = print p047
作成者 Toru Mano
最終更新時刻 2023-01-01 (c70d5a1)